Smart Ways To Make An Interesting PowerPoint Presentation

Do you want to create a PowerPoint presentation but are scared that how will it turn out? Are you fed up with having dry, boring and limited presentations? Here we bring to you some smart ways of creating interesting PowerPoint presentations.

Figure out and then tell the story

We give a presentation, to tell a story having one or two goals. We try to convince the audience to adopt a view that we have. For that, we have to figure out the beginning, middle, and end of the story and then use the presentation to tell our story. A Power presentation should not just be data. Because data can be provided by just sending out the data. What’s the need of making a presentation in that case?

Do not give out too much information:

The audience tends to lose interest if you give out too much information. Only focus to tell your main points because they won’t remember anything more than that.

Avoid adding content unless it supports your main points:

Avoid adding anything to your PowerPoint presentation slide that is not related to your story. All the extra details in graphs, figures, templates, and tables should be eliminated because these extra details use up the cognitive load and make it difficult for the audience to follow along and understand.

Do not read your slides to the audience:

Avoid filling your slides with everything you want to say. Try not to make the audience question the value, speaker, is adding to the presentation. As the slides are for the audience and not the speaker.

Avoid using PowerPoint for things it’s not intended for:

A presentation is not intended to stand alone and only serve as a document. People should not start to consider PowerPoint slides as ephemeral – which only exists till the speaker talks. A PowerPoint shouldn’t be permanent documentation of any topic.

Keep the audience involved in the presentation:

Your goal will be met more likely if the audience participates in your presentation. People like to be talked with instead of being talked to. Ask questions to the audience take their opinions and experiences. Try to turn your presentation into a guided one having visual support.

Make sure that the presentation can be viewed from anywhere in the room:

Avoid using fonts or graphics that cannot be comfortably read from the end of the room. It is recommended by many experts not to use a font size smaller than twenty-eight points. You might be having too much text on each slide if you find that you are needing to go below twenty-eight.


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